Limiting travel initiative extended to essential courses
Allyn International launched mid-March an initiative to help limit travel and encourage distance learning by offering its introductory courses for free. Based on the positive feedback and the perduring health crisis, this initiative has been extended to include 65+% discounts on all essentials logistics and supply chain courses.
New learning blog launched
We have launched a logistics learning blog https://logisticselearning.com/ to which we are and will be adding some free learning resources and materials. It is work in progress and will grow over time.
Logistics mode selection game
Want to take a break ? Check out our popular simple transport mode selection game. Learn about air, ocean, FTL and other modes while having fun.
What is a 4PL?
The 4PL term – short for fourth party logistics – dates back to 1996 and was coined by Accenture who defined a 4PL as:
“A supply chain integrator that assembles and manages the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization with those of complementary service providers to deliver a comprehensive supply chain solution.”
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